Pitfalls of Marrying your Best Friend

Marrying your best friend romantic partner can be a wonderfully validating and rewarding experience. It has the potential to give you someone who is always there for you no matter what. The intimacy can be amazing.

If a couple is lacking the closeness of a best friend relationship, they probably need to work on liking each other more. Perhaps they can figure out what they have in common, how they can spend more time together and what new subjects they can discuss. In other words, do what friends do.

In my experience, the way married best friends are most likely to go wrong is in defaulting to be just best friends. When they get overloaded with the stress and complexity of married or family life, they tend to let the romantic, passionate and sexual parts of their relationship go. They seem to believe they can just pick up where they left off whenever they like. However, it’s very possible that one of them will settle into the friendship and kind of like being roommates.

It’s not generally a good idea to let an important part of a relationship lapse for a long time.

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