Firstly, we need to define Red-hot Love: Romance that’s full of passion, drama, intensity and lovesickness. We need to thank the courtly lovers of the Middle Ages for Red-hot Love: Without them we might not have drama kings and queens, princes and princesses and a lot of the high maintenance lovers of the world. We may have missed out entirely on the knight in shining armor rescuing the poor fellow or the damsel in distress with his/her love. We could be lacking the exquisitely sensitive, heartbreakingly appealing gentle lover who stumbles and falls in matters of love. It’s possible that we wouldn’t have developed the ever popular game of playing hard to get. And where would we be if they hadn’t developed lovesickness into a prescribed ritual? Arguably, we may not even have Ashley Madison if it wasn’t for the courtly lovers. For all of their Courts of Love, Laws…
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Let’s suppose you can describe the perfect man/woman for you. You might even be able to explain why he/she is your ideal. What you’re doing is tapping into yourself and projecting your image of your other half onto a blank screen. Fair enough. That involves you knowing yourself to some extent, which is a great start. I’d say that’s step one. I propose that step two could be getting to know the type you’re seeking before you even try to find him/her online. You see, when you know yourself, you have some knowledge of what goes with what in your personality. Imagine that you’re uplifting and fun-loving when you fall in love. Well, you’re also probably very upset and avoidant when troubles show up. It’s this yin and yang that’s really important to understand about the man/woman of your dreams. That’s what allows you to be one step ahead in…
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Take the test and see if your guy qualifies as a bad boy. Then read a bit about his personality and get some idea of what he needs from you. First though: What exactly is a bad boy? Well, there’s quite a range covered by the term: On one end of the spectrum you might find somebody with a slight edge, a really dry sense of humor or an intriguing world view. On the other end, you could discover a man who is always up for a debate, cynical and jaded or even dark and mysterious. Test Questions: Yes No Would he become instantly angry if he felt you wanted him to be a puppet on a string? Does he want the rush and freedom of going his own way in life? Does he have a unique viewpoint and does he need you to respect it? Does he admire people…
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Power and love go hand in hand in relationships because power has to be there to protect you when you love. It’s really a risky business to open yourself up to love and trust another person. Your heart is on the line. So, you need a means of holding your own, defending your interests and remaining attractive. Power can do all of that. But too much power can cause you to detach, take a position and dig your heels in. The trick is knowing how to regain or obtain just enough power. There are lots of subtle, low – impact power moves you can make. The best ones are those you can explain away as unintentional or incidental. Keep your life interesting, thriving and upbeat. This makes it clear that you’re desirable and potentially in demand. But, go easy; you don’t want to look like you’re moving on. Delay a…
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Many people who have read about someone with this attitude to love either wish they were Passionate Adventurers, or they set their sights on finding one and falling in love with him/her. Here is a summary of what it means to be someone who sees love as a Passionate Adventure: At first sight: I can be really mysterious; my potential lovers usually sense that there’s a tiny bit of me that can never be won. As a lover I feel: Mainly I have confidence that I’m on an amazing quest; with pride, dignity, humour and strength. My attitude to love is a passionate adventure: I have a mission; I need to believe in myself and be courageous as I go forward in life and love. Problems I have in a relationship are: I can be very offended if my lover doesn’t really know who I am. I find it intolerable…
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