Why not fall for the guy/girl who is after you?

It would be convenient, practical and efficient. Well, you’re simply not attracted to him/her and that’s that. Have you ever noticed that you have specific feelings to back you up on this? Probably, that particular guy/girl holds no mystery or fascination for you. If any questions about him/her leap to mind, you likely don’t care that much about the answer. So, you’re simply uninspired, flat and not feeling any chemistry: ‘I’m just not feeling it.’ If you have to spend time with this person who is crazy about you, you may feel the need to keep your guard up. You suspect that this individual just might try to invade your personal space if he/she could. This doesn’t mean anything harmful would ensue. It just means you know all too well that he/she wants any way in and you dislike that fact: ‘I need my boundaries in place with him/her.’ There’s…

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This is no simple wish.

I’ve heard that you can make a wish and it just might come true. Well, I’ve spent a long time preparing this wish. As I put it out there in the universe, I know it will take its place along with all the other wishes. That’s OK. All I ask for is its place in the sun where it can live or die on its own merit.  I wish you love.  Now, you need to bear in mind that this is no simple wish. For you to have love, you need to be able to recognize it, appreciate it and hold onto it. You have to let go of your view that you can make-believe about love. That’s because you need your heart and mind to be clear. Ultimately, you have to hone your senses sufficiently that you can maintain something of a hub of confidence when it comes to…

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